Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Essence of a Skateboarder...

My 13 year old son Lucas is a skateboarder. He began when he was 4 years old. He is an excellent boarder and has been sponsored for almost 2 years. I am so proud of his accomplishments and injuries associated with his skills.

I have to admit I am not the best skateboard Mom in town. There is something about watching my child throw himself at the pavement that has deterred me from becoming an avid viewer. Various forms of injuries occur on a daily basis here. I do probably own the title for the best FULLY stocked 1st aide kit in the neighborhood.

Since I do not watch Lucas board...I decided to capture another Essence of my Skateboarder. A calmer more informal version......notice the shoes.....the shoestring in his right shoe.....he wouldn't be my boarder if he had fully laced non-altered shoelaces. It is his accident I am sure...perfect in his and my world.

Believe me....we go thru alot of shoes and shoelaces here. The old ones he uses to tie back his curtains in his bedroom. He is so creative. If I were to take photos of him in 2 weeks in the same positions....chances are he would have on another pair of shoes and different laces. He has a small obsession....he is perfectly very own Skateboarder. I love him for it.

Here he is....standing all "skateboarder" like. This is actually the 1st time he has ever let me photograph him with his skateboard. He made me promise I wouldn't include his face. He is very modest in that respect. It took him MANY years to even tell people at school he has won contests and such. He just loves to skate....bottom is just a part of his very own essence.
In beauty,
Pamela ~*~

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