Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

fairy hammock....

mmmm.....i found a fairy hammock the other morning...
there were several...
 this one caught my eye.

i would love to lounge on it.

in beauty,

ceremony and then some....

my soul sister kathy and our friend cathy and i went on a venture up to the north shore of lake superior 2 weeks ago to do some earthwork.  we were guided to iona beach just north of gooseberry falls.  we were to assist those indigenous beings who were wishing to transcend their current dimension into a lighter space....there was a message of accceptance,forgiveness and honoring.  we were certain we each held a piece in our own being that would play a part in this work.

 our original date we were planning on going was june 4th....but were told, as we knew, time and space were irrelavent and a date after would be acceptable.  on this particular date (juen 4th) cathy was in lake tahoe with jim self http://www.masteringalchemy.com/ participating in a ceremony he was hosting.  we chose to go 10 days later.

i had a knowing that i would again meet up with my "poccahantis people" and they would assist me.

and...as affirmation i spotted this carved statue when we stopped for directions...i do not remember the artist...but the inscription and description wrote that it was a tribute to those native americans who once walked the land freely before....he planned on creating one for every state in the USA in their honor.

once at the beach we immediately were drawn to the "pink" side.  iona beach is unique as it is divided by a cliff....one side of the cliff has a "pink" beach and walls....and the other side is "black".

after a few moments we were guided by the seagulls as to where we were to perform ceremony.  they continued to fly in circles over an area and that is where we chose.
as i was walking to this area i spotted several small stacked rock formations....one that i have made in the past....and left behind for another to experience.
....another affirmation that this was the location.
we made a sacred medicine circle around these stones and added our own objects before beginning.
during ceremony we faced the lake...and i was guided to look farther left down the shore....i did....and there was another small stacked rock formation....i began walking towards it...and cathy intuitively walked to the right and we formed a triangle...all 3 of us noticing there was a large circle depression in the center of our triangle.  we continued to collectively work with our hearts open.
many images and emotions were seen and felt as we understood we were acting in service and love.
it was a beautiful ceremony.

afterwards, we sat on the beach and watched the sky fall and the fog roll in out of nowhere.  we each went our separte ways to BE.
i meandered over to the cliff where i tossed quartz crystals into the deep water crevice...where the water flows green.  then to the "black" side of the beach to meditate and revisit my native american people.

i decided to walk along the grass path thru the wooded area where i was blessed by beautiful old birch trees..
guardians of the path...
the many branches with moss and fungi growing on them.
mmmmmm.....i so love the world of moss and fungi....they are worlds withIN a world.

after exploring, being and enJOYing i found a wooden stairwell before walking back up to the car.
i love paths...even when they are wooden.
they lead to the most amazing places.

in beauty,

lucas and his (current) skateboard....

prize possession...
his skateboard.

it is summer..
he doesn't leave home without it.
this is his current board....his mode of transportation also.
at 14 yrs old it is either his board, bike or 16 yr old brother zach which provide him transportation.
he prefers his board.
it is looking a little "broken in".
he skates for the local skatepark....3rd lair... http://www.3rdlair.com/ ... on their demo team.
i believe they currently have a video of him skating on their website.

he has been on a skateboard since age 4....thanks to a cartoon show "rocket power".
that was such a great cartoon....
skateboarding is his gift and passion.
he gets a little banged up...this is actually mild compared to some bruises.
i hope he has good medical insurance when he is an adult. :)  his knees, wrists, elbows, hips, ankles and so on have taken a beating over the years.
yet still
it is
i love him for it.
even his cell phone as a skateboarding sticker on it
i love it when he grabs his board and rides off
or when he is just hanging out with friends while hanging on to it.
he isn't even aware i am watching these things.
i am not sure people are aware of the skill it takes to just balance on a skateboard.
he is a
i am
so very proud.

in beauty,

day 143...365 post.

as a mother it is hard for me to watch my son skateboard...he has been riding for 10+ years (since age 4)...although he is completly adept and very good....there is nothing like watching your child throw himself at the pavement....i prefer to photograph the less "extreme" side of him on his board.....standing still...thus...the collage. :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

1....10 summer photos to take right now!

i just started one of several on-line photo classes today.....10 summer photos to take right NOW! http://www.bigpicturescrapbooking.com/ 

i already participate in 365 project...a photo a day for 365 dayshttp://www.365project.org/  i love following several photographers on their project and have learned so much about taking photos...and such.  the creativity of many out there is amazing and it is very inspiring to find MY own.

the 10 summer photos class...
*** it is completed on a self pace basis...as in complete each assignment as you are inspired.
*** each assignment gives an inspiration....such as what to shoot that represents summer to the student.
*** there is a photo gallery students can upload their photos on to share their progress.
*** the intent is to find beauty and inspiration thru the lens of a camera and assist the "everyday" photographer on improving and creating their own "eye".


assignment 1...photograph your favorite summer accessory.

favorite summer accessory...
~*flip~*~ flops*~

my worn out basic flip flops are my favorite summer accessory. i love them because they are easy to slip on and can be worn anywhere with anything. i usually keep 2-3 pair...one for puttering around outside...one for public...and one for "back-up" just in case.
i am looking forward to posting my progress.
in beauty,

day 142...365 project.

my youngest son judged a skateboard contest at a local carnival the other evening....i enJOYed color~FULL eye candy ~~*~*~~*~

Thursday, June 24, 2010

cooling off...

a diving board...
very inviting.
especially for a teenager
on VERY hot afternoon.
and he is IN
cooled off
...and I love the color of pool water.

in beauty,

day 139....365 project.

mother and son...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

more daisies....and a black~eyed susan....

the daisies in my old garden are in full bloom.
a field of daisies...
mmmm....it is yummy on the eyes.
black~eyed susan
means summer has arrived.
i love
black~eyed susans.

in beauty,

day 137...365 project.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

day 132....365 project.

i love driftwood....especially dreaming about the journey it takes~~~>~>>~>>

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


i play/work in this garden....
it is one of 3 in this particular "job".
these are my co-workers in this garden....the spirea bushes, black~eyed susans and native grasses.
ummm....i have a love affair with black~eyed susans...it is a personal thing....and i am so happy they are joining me.
did i mention the very large boulders...we get along fabulous.
mmm...such strong energy and eye pleasing also ~*~

but the birch trees in the 2nd garden are by far my favorite co-workers.
i love to be underneath them while tidying up their feet.
they create a fairy glen...and space for the non~physical...
we have many conversations together here.

...and their leaves speak in the wind of gypsee and traveling...
mmmmm.....i am a gypsee with the freedom to travel as i wish.

i love my work ~*~
my co-workers and i create beauty.
it is what i do.
in beauty,


crosby farm park hopping.....

deep, deep, deep into the forest my friends rose (right), kathy (left) and i went....
on a nature walk and park hopping experience.
the forest is lush and dreamy and magical and i really just wanted to lay down in the middle of it and let mother earth hug my lovely~self.
but we kept walking ~~~~>
until we reached the river....the mississippi river to be exact.
my eye wandered ~~~>~>>~~>
i love the rocks pressed in the sand....
the mix of shapes, colors and sizes.
mmmm.....and the sand in itself is dreamy.

we stayed for 2 hours down by the river.
catching up with eachother
enjoying the warmth of the sun,
how grateful we each were
to be our true selves
no illusions...
no worries..
no cares...
we just
until we WERE
and had to go eat thai food ~*~*~~

in beauty,

day 131...project 365.

Monday, June 14, 2010

day 129...365 project.

and they are off...
i shot this just as the gates opened~~~~>