Wednesday, December 30, 2009

my dad...

this is my dad...

he is a child at heart...and enjoys sharing this aspect with all he encounters...

2 years ago he decided he needed a dog....Buddy....

Buddy is his perfect playmate now that his 4 daughters have grown and can play on their own.....

thank goodness he has grandchildren to still play son lucas....

and my son zach.....
he needs to share his child~like personality with at least one human being...
but for the most part...he can thoroughly entertain himself.
it is where i my~lovely~self learned it from....after all...he is the master of laughing at yourself when it is necessary.
i so love my dad.
in beauty,

Monday, December 28, 2009

christmas eve snow...

Here in the midwest we had an incredible snowstorm over the Christmas holiday. With the winter storm warning in effect...I changed my travel plans with my boys. My son Lucas and I decided to have a little winter snow fun. He is a beautiful creative young teenager and enjoys the outdoors.

He decided to tackle the rather large snowbanks and have a little fun...jumping...


contemplating the next jump...


In Beauty,

Saturday, December 19, 2009

good morning snow....

I love how the snow glistens in the early morning light....

There is always a shade of blue at dawn and dusk that is very difficult to capture on film. It is during these "between" times that dreams can be created IN~to reality. Trust me...I have done it many times....and all things are possible.
In Beauty,

Monday, December 14, 2009

holiday baking....

I did a little holiday baking last week with my girlfriend Kathy...

I haven't baked for the holidays in years...
Good thing Kathy was with me. Truth be told...Kathy did most of the work. We originally were going to play at her house, but shortly before I arrived her oven died. So we loaded everything up and headed for my home.

What a beautiful mixer she owns! I have always wanted one of these. I was in awe.

Although I enjoy a hand held mixer....I am seriously considering investing in one of these beautiful appliances...that is...if I decide to return to the kitchen after a 4-5 year hiatis.....

These were Mexican Wedding Cakes....I can honestly say the batter was just as tasty as the cookies.
In Beauty,

Sunday, December 13, 2009

healing hands...

My lovely~friend~Jennifer's power~FULL healing hands. Please visit her website at for more information about her.
In Beauty,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

christmas pretties...

Over the years I have enJOYed collecting holiday decorations....but in the past 2-3 years I made the decision that perhaps it was time to just enJOY the collections I have rather than add to them. Since I made that decision I have actually downsized....putting out only a few meaning~FULL items each year...rather than a full home decorated.

This year I chose the tree decorations that reminded me of my inner child...

JOY....perfect for the inner~child waiting to be play...and move on....
IN~to the new....

Ice skates....I love ice skates....I grew up on a lake and skated all winter long....I pretended I was Dorothy you remember making the pom-poms for the bottom of the laces? Pom-poms are so play~FULL...

This snowflake reminded me of a stuffed flower....

mmmmm...and the pretty and sparkly.
In Beauty,

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

the essence of a pinecone ~*~

....and i sat in the curve of a pinecone's wing.
in beauty,

Monday, December 7, 2009

shades of evergreen...

I love the simple beauty of evergreen boughs...

the scent is heavenly this time of year....

i can become lost in the needles...the colors are so beautiful.

and can we talk about the bark?
beauty is found in simple pleasures.
may you sit in silence long enough to notice.
deep peace,

Monday, November 30, 2009

the beautiful ella ~*~

This is my niece the beautiful~Ella....

When did she grow up?

She is a vivacious and dainty girl...with a personality that resembles her sister Shelly. I love my sister Shelly. Her energy is contageous.

A beautiful young girl with so much sweetness to share.

In Beauty,

Friday, October 30, 2009


Around you are swirled on the canvas of this moment clues to cosmic treasures you seek: a color here, a word there, a knowing in a scent on a breeze. With brush ever in motion, the mystery forms a brilliant rainbow arc, its curvaceous splendor transcending past and future. Clues are drawn into the heartbeat of the present moment, that you may release your struggle in the realization that it is already done!
~author unknown~

blessings of simple autumn beauty upon you and yOURs,

leaves~365 project

The sun finally came out today....I have been patiently waiting with my camera.
In Beauty,

Monday, October 26, 2009

I love my friend Mary Smith. Our oldest sons have been friends for 7+ years. She has been pregnant for a good portion of that time...and has had 5 children since I first met her. I, as well as she, am happy to report she has been without child for a year now. She looks spectacular for a mother of 7 children...cute as a button. She is a better mother than I am....and most definately was born to be a Mother in this life. Calm as can be in a home that I am sure at times can become quite chaotic.

A few of weeks ago she asked me into her hometo photograph her youngest 3 children. Bless her heart...I had just lost my "mainstream job". I love you Mary. I cannot tell you how much you helped me during those 1st few weeks.

These are her youngest 3 children.....

Zoe and Molly. Zoe has 2 older sisters who are twins. She was born when the twins were approximatly 1 1/2. They started 1st grade this year. She has taken over the role of leader among her younger brother Blaze and baby sister Molly. She does a fabulous job with helping out and I can tell she loves her new position. is Molly...she is a sweetie..... Just look at those eyes. Mmmmmm.....she is so cute.

Zoe was all about posing for me....and definately not camera shy. is Blaze. He is the youngest boy. Alex (almost 16) and Henry (10) are his older brothers....he has had to fend for himself as a boy in the middle of 4 girls for a long time. He is the cutest little boy with a personality to match.....

...and a mind of his own that snuck out thru his smile on several occasions. oooooooooooooooo....I just wanted to squish him with hugs the entire time I was there.
Thank you Mary...your children are beautiful as You yourself are.
In Beauty,

a message ~*~365 project

a message reminding my~lovely~self to always come from a place of love rather than fear or anger.
in beauty,

Friday, October 23, 2009

the beautiful zoe ~~~ 365 project

This is Zoe...she is a sweet pea. I am the mother of 2 very handsome boys. It is a treat for me to be in the presence of a little girl. Her eyes are beautiful...and the tilt in her head was a constant while I was photographing her. She has 2 older brothers, 2 older sisters, a younger brother and younger sister. She has a mind of her own.
In Beauty,

Thursday, October 22, 2009

moments of cool ~~~*~~~

I went to my local coffee shop Mountain Mudd in Maple Grove this evening to do a little computer work...

I did do some work...but I had a very pleasant diversion. A small band was playing....Moments of Cool. (they have a fan page on Facebook...I encourage you to listen to them live sometime.)

They were incredibly casual. I loved it! Just everyday people...doing what they love and sharing it with those who choose to receive. This is Brian. He is wonderful on guitar and has quite a contageous personality.

My days have been quite challenging lately...and I have been struggling to stay in the present moment....out of fear, lack and so forth..... This is Nancy...she has a fabulous voice that pulls you right into the NOW...especially when complimented by Brian.

These people have no idea what is going on in their audience's life. There is no need. They just play their music and do their thing. This is Arlon....he is quite shy...except for when he is playing. I was sitting no less than 2 feet behind him.

I wanted to thank them for unknowingly gifting me with moments of happiness tonite...they were just being themselves while doing what they love....making music.
In Beauty,

a little music...365 project

The band at the coffee shop this evening was kind enough to allow me to take some photos of them. Gratitude....I needed a diversion.
In Beauty,

Monday, October 19, 2009

the pumpkin patch ~~*~*~~*~~

Last Saturday I took a little trip to the Pumpkin Patch....I love how they line them all up and you see them when you 1st pull in. I call it Pumpkin Heaven....I am like a kid in a visual candy store. So many little time. I am a huge tactile person. I just want to touch them ALL and lay in the middle of them. A great big sea of orange~~~*~~~*~~~pumpkins.

Walking thru the field/patch is like being on a treasure hunt......should we go with perfectly round....oval....a defective one....

I love how there is a feel of untamed nature in a pumpkin patch....yet everything is in perfect order.

and...ummmm.....can we talk vines......I LoVe the eye can never see enough vines~~~~>all tangley and wild~like~~~~>. Even though they appear dead...they definately have a life of their own.

and....the stems....and the indentations...and birthmarks...each pumpkin has its own story. I could sit for hours and look at them all.
In Beauty,

365 project ~*~Simple Pleasure

I love my peegee hydrangea this time of year....the petals are so delicate. In past years I would pick the individual flowers off the frond and dry them....for later slip in letters to people or to lay out on my harvest table.

In Beauty,

Sunday, October 18, 2009

the essence of lucas ~ 365 project

i have decided to challenge my~lovely~self with a new photo participating in the 365 project at . basically, i need to take a photo every day and upload it onto my site page at . it is a wonderful way to capture and share my photos. i am looking forward to someday browsing backwards to see how i have impoved on my self~taught photography skills.

the 1st one is one of the many i shot of lucas this afternoon.

in beauty,